Breaded Stuffed Cabbage – (Rántott töltött káposzta)

Breaded Stuffed Cabbage - (Rántott töltött káposzta
Ingredients: serves 4
8 medium or 12 smaller sour cabbage leaves, 18 oz/50 dkg ground lean pork shank or shoulder, 7 tablespoon cooked rice, 1 egg, 1 level teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon grated onion (1 heaping teaspoon onion cream), 2 cloves garlic (1 teaspoon garlic cream), 1 heaping teaspoon quality paprika
Breading: 6-7 tablespoon flour, 3 eggs, 9 tablespoon breadcrumbs, cooking oil for deep frying
To serve: Tartar sauce

Pare down the thick vein at the center of the cabbage
leaves. Combine the ground meat, cooked rice, and egg, season with salt, pepper, the grated onion, crushed garlic and paprika. Fill the cabbage leaves with this delicious spicy meat mixture, roll them up,
push the two ends into the bundle the same way you would with traditional stuffed cabbage. Then cook in boiled water – flavored with food seasoning or salt – for 40 minutes, then strain, and let it cool. Dip into the flour, beaten eggs, then the breadcrumbs, and f you wish, you may repeat dipping them into the egg and breadcrumbs again. Deep-fry them in hot oil for about 8-10 minutes, turning them several times. If using a deep fryer, cook 8 minutes at 320°F/160°C. It is important not to brown them too quickly because the inside must cook as well. Allow them to drip on a paper towel. Pour tartar sauce (mayonnaise flavored with salt, mustard, powdered sugar, ground black pepper, and lemon juice) around them and serve.

Preparation time: 45 minutes
Calories per serving: 748 (without tartar sauce)
Skill: Easy to prepare