Tripe pörkölt – (Pacalpörkölt)

Tripe pörkölt  -  (Pacalpörkölt)
2 lb tripe, salt, 2-3 bay leaves, 2 large red onions, 2 big green peppers and tomatoes each, 4 tablespoon oil, 1 heaping tablespoon sweet paprika, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/4 teaspoon ground caraway seeds

Clean and wash the tripe thoroughly. In a pot cover with enough water. Bring the water to a boil, strain the tripe and rinse. Cover with water again. Add salt, bay leaves, and cook for about 2 hours until tender. Replace water that evaporates occasionally. In the meantime peel and chop the onions, remove the stem of the peppers and tomatoes. Sauté the onions on hot oil, add the paprika, stir in immediately. Add the crushed garlic, ground caraway seeds, peppers and tomatoes, cubed. Let the tripe cool, cut into thin strips and add to the pörkölt base. Cook for another 40-50 minutes. Spice it with hot red pepper, if desired. Serve with potatoes boiled in salted water.

Preparation time: 3 hours
One serving: 2510 kJ/600 kcal